Capable resources create an innovative environment – Capability Management

In my line of work I often come to realize that deadlines are met and projects get done because of the heroics and the talents of individual people and not because of the established processes. This is a clear sign of an immature organization and a symptom of poor capability management. Traditional PM world typicallyContinue reading “Capable resources create an innovative environment – Capability Management”

The importance of Resource Planning and Resource Capacity Planning

The definitions and differences between resource capacity planning and resource planning/management have been described in my previous posts. This post aims to highlight their importance in an organization. It is not rare that companies totally overlook capacity planning and schedule projects without being sure they have the necessary resources available. Often, this is due toContinue reading “The importance of Resource Planning and Resource Capacity Planning”

The difference between Resource Planning and Resource Capacity Planning

In my previous post I explained why resource capacity planning is a critical function of portfolio management. However, looking around I have noticed that there is some confusion between the terms resource capacity planning and resource planning. Capacity planning and resource planning are not the same thing. The terms are often used interchangeably but areContinue reading “The difference between Resource Planning and Resource Capacity Planning”

Portfolio and Project Oriented View of Resource Capacity Planning

Capacity management addresses what types of resources are needed, how many are needed, and when resources are needed to support portfolios, including ongoing optimization to maximize utilization and minimize conflicts. It also seeks to address conflicts related to the resource demands of portfolios and their respective components. The key element: One important element of capacityContinue reading “Portfolio and Project Oriented View of Resource Capacity Planning”

Semi-structured interviews

In the social sciences domain semi-structured interviews is a very common method of research. A semi-structured interview is a meeting in which the interviewer does not strictly follow a formalized list of questions. The interviewer will ask more open-ended questions, allowing for a discussion with the interviewee rather than a straightforward question and answer format.Continue reading “Semi-structured interviews”

Organizational Strategy 101

Before attempting to make the connection between strategy and IT projects it is important to identify what exactly an organizational strategy is and why it is important to have one. An organizational strategy is the sum of the actions a company intends to take to achieve long-term goals. Together, these actions make up a company’sContinue reading “Organizational Strategy 101”

The difference between Projects and Operations, clarified

In preparation for Assignment 2 it becomes obvious that it is essential to have a clear understanding of the definition of the project, the operation, and differences between these two terms. So, here it goes. There are only two aspects of work (or the combination of these two) in any organization, i.e., Projects and Operations.Continue reading “The difference between Projects and Operations, clarified”

Organizational Strategy – An Analogy

Here is a good analogy – as a prologue to the plethora of articles on organizational strategy… “Our daily life is a mix of thinking, actions and the environment in which we live or act. Thinking is based on short and long term goals, action is based on our individual ability to act or reactContinue reading “Organizational Strategy – An Analogy”

Project Portfolio Selection Methods Classification

Project selection is an essential process for portfolio management and plays an important role in accomplishing organizational goals. It involves the assessment of a set of available project proposals in order to undertake a group of them that make possible to achieve some strategic goals. Portfolio selection looks for the best balance in terms ofContinue reading “Project Portfolio Selection Methods Classification”

The Role of PMO VS Project Manager

The project manager manages the constraints (scope, schedule, cost, quality, etc.) of the individual projects, while the PMO manages the methodologies, standards, over all risks/opportunities, metrics, and interdependence among projects at the enterprise level. They actually operate on different levels. While a project manager is accountable for achieving the goals approved for their projects theyContinue reading “The Role of PMO VS Project Manager”

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