Organizational Strategy – An Analogy

Here is a good analogy – as a prologue to the plethora of articles on organizational strategy…

“Our daily life is a mix of thinking, actions and the environment in which we live or
act. Thinking is based on short and long term goals, action is based on our individual
ability to act or react in different situations, and the environment where we live in an
interface that make, remake or develop our thinking also affects our actions. The majority
of successful people use their thinking, turn it into actions and achieve their goals.
If the same scenario is taken into consideration for a bigger group of people, then
their thinking, actions and environment is also affected by each other. This grouping
of people makes it more interesting. The objectives of different groups are different
and the way the collective thinking and action takes place makes the whole group
successful or unsuccessful.”

If the simple example above is applied to organizations, thinking would be
equivalent to organizational strategy based on short and long term goals, actions as
operations/projects, and the environment in which the people of these organizations
work or interact. At the end of the day successful organizations are the ones
that can link their strategy with the operations and the projects.

Organizational strategy isn’t just for big business anymore. Even a startup coffee shop or catering business needs to plan strategically if it wants to grow and thrive.

The link between organizational strategy and projects, NTNU Thesis

Published by ioasav

Lifelong learner, SPROM student.

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